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Conference "I, Scientist"

We are delighted to invite you to the I, Scientist conference on gender, career paths and networking, to be held virtually on 16-19 September 2020.

Registration is now open via

This year's conference highlights include inspiring talks by successful female and queer scientists and various exciting networking events. We will have a special focus on race and academia, as well as the impact of COVID19 on gender equality and leadership. One of the speakers is Dr. Aniela Knoblich, Head of the Office for Gender and Diversity, University of Freiburg. For more details please visit our website.

The conference aims to increase the visibility of diverse role models in the natural and empirical sciences, to introduce young researchers to a variety of career options, provide them with networking opportunities, and to raise awareness of gender-based biases. The conference is designed and organized by PhD students and young researchers of natural sciences, mathematics and empirical sciences for their peers. All genders are welcome to attend!